3 d printing by Empor Empor Printing
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Your Source For 3 Dimensional Printing

Printing onto Glass

Print onto almost any 3D object

We can transfer full colour, photo quality images & designs onto virtually ANY 3-dimensional object.

Our patented process will work on plastic, glass, ceramic, metal and many other materials.

If you have one or ten thousand items that require this transformation then Empor can help.

Our process is highly scaleable and is capable of being semi-automated so that designs can be produced quickly and cost effectively."

View our short video "3D Printing Video"

Whatever the size of your project, get in touch to see how we can help.

From small prototype runs up to industrial scale million-off print runs such as our Nokia Mobile Phone Covers.

The possibilities are endless with our patented 3D printing technology, ask to see more samples if your mind is blank.

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