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Preparing Graphics for EMPOR

Simple tips to help you prepare your artwork for printing

There are a few things to remember when you're preparing graphics for Empor. If you pay attention to these details early on, you can save yourself a lot of time as your order is processed.

Resolution of Images
The optimal resolution of photographs or other images created with a raster/bitmap editing program such as Photoshop is 300dpi (dots per inch). Resolutions greater than 300dpi are acceptable. However, if an image's resolution is less than 300dpi, the quality of the image may be compromised. Pixelisation, dithering, and distortion are common results of using images with a resolution lower than 300dpi. Therefore, images saved for display on the internet at the web's standard of 72dpi are rarely large enough for use as a major part of the design in print work.

File Formats
Empor's preferred file format is EPS (Encapsulated PostScript). Generally, Adobe Illustrator is our favourite tool for creating these files. However, we do accept other formats for our print work including Adobe Acrobat / PDF (PDF files must be saved at print quality 300dpi.), PSD, TIFF and Quark Xpress when it is deemed necessary.

Outlining Text and Strokes
When outputting the final version of your artwork for press in Adobe Illustrator's EPS format, remember to convert all of the text and stroked paths in your artwork to outlines. This will prevent the majority of font and stroke rendering problems that can occur when sending your artwork files to the press.

To convert your text to outlines in Illustrator CS, first select all of the text in your design with the Selection Tool (the black arrow). Then select 'Type > Create Outlines' from the menu.

To convert your stroked paths to outlines in Illustrator CS, first select all of the stroked shapes or paths in your design with the Selection Tool (the black arrow). Then select 'Object > Path > Outline Stoke' from the menu.

Once your text and paths are outlined, your design should be more concrete, but it will not be as easy to change. Consequently, you should save a separate backup of your artwork before you outline the text and stroked paths.

Preparing Bitmapped Images
If you flatten an image in Photoshop before submitting it to us as artwork for a CD surface print, be sure that the guides or crop marks are not accidentally included as part of the design. These elements are good for positioning proofs but can complicate the process of preparing your artwork for print. Layered PSD's and TIFF's are often more preferable than flattened ones. However, be sure to include fonts with your artwork or rasterize all of the text in your designs before submission.

You can rasterize the text on a layer in Photoshop CS by right-clicking (control + click on the Mac) on the text layer and selecting 'Rasterize Layer' from the menu that pops up.

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